What causes Ear Inflammation or Otitis?

Man with earache

Ear inflammation can arise due to injuries caused by the use of cotton swabs, introduction of small objects into the ear, water ingress or infections caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi, and can affect different parts of the ear, such as the outer part of the ear up to the beginning of the eardrum, the back of the eardrum or in the deepest part of the ear, where the labyrinth is located.

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When the inflammation in the ear is identified and treated correctly, it does not represent any risk, being only annoying, since it causes pain, itching in the ear, decreased hearing and, in some cases, release of a discharge in the ear.

Although it is easily solved, ear inflammation should be evaluated and treated by an otolaryngologist, especially if the pain lasts more than two days, is very intense or if there are other associated symptoms such as dizziness or vertigo, as it may be a sign of ear inflammation.

Inflammation Reduction

Inflammation in the ear can be caused by a variety of conditions, including infections, allergic reactions, insect bites, pyrsins or diseases. While it can be painful, there are several things you can do to reduce the swelling and discomfort. If the swelling is relatively minor, you may be able to reduce it with home remedies while allowing the underlying cause to heal on its own. However, in some cases, you may need to use oral or topical medications to treat the underlying cause and reduce inflammation in or on the ear.


Ear inflammation or otitis is a common infection that usually appears when there is an accumulation of liquids in the ear canals, especially in the middle ear when the Eustachian tube is obstructed. In company with conventional treatment, you can use natural solutions that reduce the symptoms of otitis and prevent the development of complications.

Otitis can occur at different levels of severity, depending on the area of the ear affected and how quickly it is treated. One of the most common is otitis externa, as it is estimated that up to 10% of the population will develop it at least once in their lifetime. Let’s take a look at some natural solutions for otitis. Otitis is characterized by an uncomfortable itching sensation in the ear. It is almost always accompanied with pain, fever and a decrease in hearing.

It can also cause severe headaches, fluid discharge and loss of balance or dizziness, especially during physically demanding activities. Here are the different natural remedies to treat ear inflammation.

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Main Causes of inflammation

      • Otitis externa is the most common cause of ear pain and inflammation, and is more frequent in babies and children who spend a lot of time at the beach or in the swimming pool, for example. This occurs because heat and humidity can favor the proliferation of bacteria, causing infection and inflammation of the ear, manifesting symptoms such as: pain, itching and, in some cases, presence of yellowish or whitish discharge. Normally, otitis affects only one ear; however, in rare cases, both ears may be affected.
      • Otitis media corresponds to the inflammation that usually occurs after an episode of flu or sinusitis, being characteristic symptoms the presence of discharge in the ear, decreased hearing, redness and fever. Being the result of a flu or sinusitis, otitis media can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi or allergies.
      •  Injury during ear cleaning. Ear cleaning with a cotton swab can push the wax and even rupture the eardrum, which causes pain and release of a discharge into the ear. It is important to avoid cleaning the ears with cotton swabs and introducing foreign objects in this cavity, since besides infection, it can cause serious health problems. Learn how to clean your ears correctly.
      • Presence of objects inside the ear. The presence of objects in the ear, such as buttons, small toys or food, is more common in infants and usually occurs accidentally. The presence of foreign bodies in the ear causes inflammation and, consequently, pain, itching and discharge in the ear.
      • Eczema is an inflammation of the skin, which affects the protective barrier of the skin, and can occur on the skin of any part of the body, including the ears, affecting the earlobes, the concha and the opening of the ears, as well as the external auditory canal or eardrum, causing symptoms such as dry skin, itching, redness, peeling of the skin and cracks in the skin. In addition, when it affects the ear canal or eardrum, eczema can cause ear pain, due to inflammation and irritation of these structures, and in some cases, it can affect hearing.
      • Myringitis is an inflammation of the eardrum membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle ear, causing the appearance of symptoms, such as a feeling of heaviness in the ear or mild ear pain, which starts suddenly and lasts about 24 to 48 hours. In some cases, there may also be fever and decreased hearing. Generally, myringitis is caused by bacterial or viral infections of the respiratory tract, which may affect the middle ear and cause inflammation of the tympanic membrane, but it may also arise due to trauma.

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What is Calminax good for?

Calminax is a safe dietary supplement that has a positive effect on ear noise and other unwanted sounds. It can be used by people of all ages. It does not contain any contraindications.

What are the principles of action of Calminax?

Principle of action:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • relieves inflammation in the tissues;
  • relieves pain and other unpleasant sensations in the inner ear;
  • increases local immunity;
  • prevents destruction of auditory cells.

How to deal with tinnitus?

Tinnitus sufferers know how difficult it can be to stop the ringing. It can be overwhelming to hear doctors say that there is no way to stop the ringing and that stress can cause major problems.

It can also be very frustrating to hear the overwhelming sound and no one around you can hear it. It is crucial that anyone suffering from Tinnitus understands how it came about. Because they feel it is not of any use, many people don't learn as much about the disease as they should.

Why is important to know what tinnitus is?

It is vital that you know as much about the disease as possible and its causes. This will help you to cope with the situation, no matter how frustrated you may feel. You may have heard of Tinnitus and cringe at the thought that you might develop it. It is difficult to focus on other areas of your life when you have constant high pitch sounds echoing throughout your ears.

How to face tinnitus?

Tinnitus can make someone feel defeated. However, there are ways to reduce the sound and control it. Otolaryngologists can help you to manage the sound and reduce it. Concentration exercises that are focused on relaxation are one example. It can calm your ear muscles and reduce stress. This can help to control the constant ringing in your ears.

How to calm your tinnitus symptoms?

There are many peaceful sounds you can listen to when you go to sleep. Most Tinnitus sufferers purchase pillow speakers. They recommend relaxing music that is similar or even better than yoga or other relaxation techniques. Still not helpful? You need to find other areas of your life to focus your efforts. Take a walk, go out with friends, or ride a bicycle. You will be able block out most of the noise by engaging in all these hobbies.

Can stress increase your tinnitus?

Research has shown that stress can increase ringing in the ears. It is important to avoid stress or to keep it at a minimum. You can help yourself cope by exercising daily, listening to soothing music, writing, or reading.

What foods should you avoid if you are suffering from tinnitus?

Salty foods should be avoided. You can do your ears a favor by eating healthy and avoiding caffeine and alcohol. Tinnitus can cause serious problems, but it is possible to live your life without worrying about the ringing.

How to cope with tinnitus?

Support groups are often the most helpful, according to most people. You should look for organizations or groups that deal with this type of issue. You'll be able to listen to other people's stories and learn a lot by the techniques they use.

What should you know about tinnitus?

Tinnitus does not mean your life is over. Although it may present additional challenges that you need to overcome, it is possible to follow a smooth path.

Living a stress-free life and surround yourself with positive people can make it a winnable battle against the disease. Even if your ears ring, you can still achieve what you want.

What leads to tinnitus?

There are various issues that could possibly be the lead to of tinnitus and attempting to determine what is leading to a persons tinnitus can be extremely difficult yet is essential when deciding on what method of take in treating tinnitus.

How to diagnose the causes of your tinnitus?

Generally, by carrying out a proven tinnitus diagnostic technique, the reason for tinnitus will undoubtedly be found. However, in several cases the reason for tinnitus is never completely determined.

You need to understand by now that having the ability to pinpoint the primary cause of tinnitus is essential in order to supply the correct tinnitus therapy bring positive results.

What is the most frequent cause of tinnitus?

There are many factors behind tinnitus but you ought to be fully aware what typically the most popular leads to of tinnitus are and also recognize them.

Later years Hearing Loss - It really is normal a person begins to knowledge some form of hearing loss following the age group of 60. As someone's hearing starts to diminish the probability of tinnitus to build up is common.

What is a common cause of tinnitus?

Loud Noise Publicity. It is a growing problem nowadays resulting in tinnitus. There are too many common noises on earth to mention that result in tinnitus but many new situations of tinnitus are happening from individual who regularly pay attention to loud music or discussion by using iPods, mobile phones, and MP3 players. To create matters worse lots of people use some type of headphones while using the unit.

Can earwax be a cause of your tinnitus?

Earwax Blockage: Earwax can be an important defense device that protects someone's inner ear from grime and bacteria. But when too much earwax accumulates it affects ones listening to and causes eardrum discomfort and tinnitus may occur.